The last weekend in January, Abby and I attended Junior High Snow camp at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp. Mennonite Church of the Servant was the only church that managed to bring 100% of our Jr Youth. We combined with Bethel College Mennonite Church and Zion Mennonite Church to help make the sponsor numbers per gender work out. The 14 of us rode on a charter bus organized by Whitestone in Hesston. All 56 seats were occupied. This gave our Kansan kids--many of whom know each other from Mennoscah-- a 10 hour opportunity to connect before camp. Overall, retreat attendance was around 90 youth and sponsors-- roughly ⅔ Kansans and ⅓ Coloradans. A few takeaways from the trip: I thoroughly enjoyed the bus ride to camp. Upon arrival, I told my friend how much I love middle-schoolers and that surely there is something wrong with me. Electronic devices were allowed on the bus, but completely banned during our mountain time--there’s no reception or wifi anyway. I did not hear a single compl...