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Showing posts from October, 2019

Jonah: A short Play and a reflection for World Communion Sunday

The last four weeks we covered Jonah in our Sunday morning services--one week per chapter. I really could have gone a couple of extra weeks, but they try to reign me in. For chapter four I had a sermon planned contrasting Jonah as a/n (anti)type for Jesus. Dead 3 days. Jonah went down; Jesus was raised up. Terrible prophet; great prophet. However, on Wednesday afternoon I took a nap. When I woke up this short play and the reflection were in my head. When the Holy Spirit messes up my sermon, I figure I ought to obey. Something I have been considering is that we average around 25 people at worship on Sunday morning and five of them are children ages 4-11. If kids are 25% of our worshiping body, how does our service reflect this? How are they invited in, nurtured, included, and asked to participate and lead? I talked to all of the children before the service, explained what was going on, and invited them to join in. I made clear that it was optional. They all loved it. The congregat...