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Showing posts from September, 2019

Jonah Ch 1: Jonah goes down to Sea Monster City

I really love the Book of Jonah because the prophet Jonah sucks  so bad . I managed not to say "sucks" from the pulpit because it's tacky, but that's what I was thinking. Also, I didn't say "bigass fish" or "bigass storm" but I really like that as a translation for  גדול  ( gadol)  and would probably have turned it in for a class because hyperbole is a a mark of satire. Sermon  actually starts at 0:24; I need to figure out how to trim audio. The first thirteen (13!!) minutes explore what it means for the Book of Jonah to be satire, "I am more worried about taking scripture seriously than literally." The next 14ish minutes (re)tell the biblical story in light of that satire. >> My official pastoral responsibility to my congregation is part-time. It's awesome. Super great for my mental health. This set up means I preach 1st and 3rd Sundays and other people from my congregation and guests fill in the other Sundays. It...

Hospitality: Stranger Love is the opposite of Gangrene

I gave this sermon on 1 Peter 4:8-10, on Sept. 1, 2019, as part of our 12 Scriptures Project series at MCotS. It centers on hospitality as love of the Stranger--literally philoxenos. In it I cite this podcast Civil War is Solvable  and read this article about Pastora Mira Garcia . I really wanted to go into greater depth exploring the idea, the comparison, that hospitality is the opposite of gangrene. Gangrene is this slow spreading tissue death caused by lack of blood supply, lack of oxygen. But hospitality slowly breathes life back into places of death (esp. in in Pastora Mira's story). This connection to breath, new life, the Holy Spirit--there's something there. But there's only so much time in each sermon, so I will leave the fleshing out (gross pun!) of this idea for another day. " We have been talking about welcoming the stranger. It’s pretty clear what that does for the stranger--food, warmth, safety, but I am considering this week, how hospitality changes...

Giving Credit

This blog set-up is shamelessly ripped from my friend (and mentor!) Joanna's blog Spacious Faith . I, like Joanna, love writing stuff: curriculum, liturgical resources, etc. A lot of times I write straight from what I see in scripture, but a lot of other times I also look at other people's stuff for inspiration. So here, y'all, here are some of my resources that I have written that I might as well share, so you can have a starting point. I'm in the process of going through old things, cleaning them up, and posting. I have written a lot  of youth camp and retreat resources over the years, so get excited! Feel free to use my stuff in your worship setting. Crediting is great; a little asterisk* in the bulletin works fine. Feel free to just use my initials** they are really popular with the youths. I'd rather you not profit off my writing like it's you own, but if you do find a way to profit LMK because I'd like to get in on the take. *Asia Frye **AF 

James 1: Two Calls to Worship

James 1: 17-25 One: Come now and worship God For every good and perfect thing is from above Many: Given by the Father of heaven All: We worship you, unchanging Father One: We are the first-fruits of God’s creatures Many: Birthed by God’s word All: We worship you, Mother of truth One: We are brothers and sisters Many: We are hearers of the word, we are doers of the word All: We worship you, righteous God ------ One: We gather in the house of God, Many: We gather with the people of God, One: to worship God. Many: to hear God’s word. One: The word of God Many: is a good and perfect gift, given from above. One: God gave us birth Many: through the word of truth. One: God planted this word in us. Many: It has power to save us. One: Be doers of the word, Many: not only hearers. One: Listen to the word, Many: to live in God’s righteousness.

Johnny Appleseed Blessing

Johnny Appleseed Oh, the Lord's been good to me. And so I thank the Lord For giving me the things I need: The sun, the rain and the appleseed; Oh, the Lord's been good to me. Oh, and every seed I sow Into a tree will grow.* And someday there'll be apples there For everyone in the world to share. Oh, the Lord’s been good to me. Those Gathered here be blessed With cider, peace, and rest Relieve their cares, Give hearts that share, Extend your table everywhere. Oh, the Lord’s been good to Us.** *Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp style **Third verse by Tim Frye